
This installation guide will change over time since anya will gradually abstract away all the setup for you.

Installation Steps

1. Create a Kuberntes Cluster

2. Give yourself Admin Permissions

You are getting your user email address at the providers IAM user configurations page. This is not trivial, the command is case sensitive.

3. Set your Cluster Context

Set your current cluster context to the cluster you just created. Save this context as an environment variable under $KUBE_CONTEXT so that the helmsman-config/setup.toml file can grab your cluster context from it.

4. Install the Package Manager

anya uses Helmsman to deploy its components to your Kubernetes cluster. Helmsman utilizes Helm and Helm-diff.

5. Create a GitHub App

For the communication with GitHub and to access your code repositories, anya needs to get registered as an authorized application (GitHub App). Please, follow the instructions to create a GitHub App.

Permissions & events

Set the following permissions:

The anya GitHub App needs to subscribe to some events of your repositories:

6. Provide your Environment Configuration

Copy the templates-files of helmsman-config/templates into helmsman-config. Remove the substring .template from the files. The most important file is anya-values.yaml; here you are defining your repositories to deploy your applications (projects). You find a detailed explanation on how to configure your projects here: Configuration Files

7. Apply the Configurations to your fresh Cluster

8. Configure your Pipeline

Copy the folder pipeline-config/anya in all of your repositories that should use anya. There are 2 files:

All options are turned off, if not specified otherwise.